Help Establish your Web Presence (5 Step Guide)

Help establish your web presence (in 5 steps marketing agencies don’t want you to know) 🤫

Web presence is an important trait of a successful business today that remains unclear for most. You have a range of possible online presences, from almost non-existent to very strong. The more of a business’ visibility you command across webpages and social media, the higher their engagement will be.

1. Establish your marketing goals

The first step in developing web presence is to set realistic marketing goals that can be measured. 🎯
These goals should be specific and measurable while focused on specific metrics such as:

When creating goals, being specific about the objective can determine if you’re going in the right direction when establishing your web presence. Here’s an example of a vague goal that may appear specific:

Generate more leads from social media marketing channels

Although more leads is clear, it isn’t telling as to how many more leads or from which channels.
An example that’s more specific:

Increase leads from our top social media marketing channel, Instagram, by more than 10% by end of the fiscal year.

The goal above makes a specific target with an attainable goal on a set timeframe. Your efforts may be in multiple channels so it may require multiple goals or it may be different objectives (conversions, sales, subscriptions, etc.). Find out the right goals that will help your business navigate web waters. ⛵

2. Content and SEO Strategy for your brand

Writing high-quality content is one of the best ways to engage with your customers. Although it’s not always clear how to generate high-quality content or keep clients engaged with the reading material that can take hours of effort.

Instead of wasting time on content you think might be valuable, focus on the content that would clearly drive value to your clients.

The material can remain the same, but the form in which you target clients with wording and answering their questions can help you engage your clients more as it can reflect the questions they want answered. Knowing your audience is crucial in order to create content that they will enjoy reading and share with their friends. Consider the following about your audience:

These questions seem fairly general, but provide specific answers to important questions to help your content strategy so that the right people are finding your company easily and organically. Strong SEO practices and ongoing reviews will not only help you rank higher on Google but also provide a better user experience for your customers. Evaluate the competition in your industry and see what they are doing well and what you can improve on to establish chemistry with your visitors 🧪.

3. Create a website

Developing a website is not an easy task as a lot of work needs to be done before you can launch. The first step is to register your domain name and host the domain. Here are a few places you can find and register your domain:

You want to find a name that reflects your business or is easy to remember.

If you sell a product or a service and whether your prices are fixed or variable determines the type of platform you should use for your website.

E-commerce platforms are better managed by platforms such as Shopify or Woo Commerce to avoid the headache of inventory management and currency exchange. However, there are different expenses associated with any option you decide upon for E-commerce. If your sales conversion cycle involves consulting with clients, then you may not need so much overhead and could use site builders such as Wix, Wordpress or Squarespace.

The second step is to develop a content strategy for your website. You need to decide what kind of content you want on your site, how often you will publish it and who will be writing the content. You also need to decide what kind of search engine optimization (SEO) strategy you want for your site.

The third step is to find a good web design agency or freelancer who will help you design the look and feel of your site, create a logo and other graphics that are needed, develop the navigation system, create templates for different pages on your site and give you the keys to your online establishment. 🔑

4. Establishing social media marketing channels and design marketing campaigns 🔊

Marketing on social media is a great way to reach out to your audience, but you have to know who they are and where they are.
The best way to find out what your audience likes is by listening to them where they tend to frequently visit; Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitch, Twitter — the list goes on. Find the audience you are looking for by checking out your competitions’ channels and see where their followers appear most frequently.

Instead of relying on developing the presence immediately and having your efforts spread thin across multiple platforms, you can concentrate your efforts where most clients appear to exist.

The simple metric may be followers (easy to measure) or likes (hard to measure) to determine just how many people are on the social pages and are actively engaged on the social channels. Social media marketing is not just about getting more followers or likes; it’s about building relationships with people who have the same interests as you do. The best way to build trust is by being authentic and using the tone that your audience uses when talking with each other.

5. Use Email and social media marketing tools for your campaigns ✉️

Scheduling email and social media content is a balanced effort between content and release to audiences. Once the right platforms are identified, you need to find the right pattern of warming your clients up to what you sell by building trust with prospective clients considering your product or service. A few of the tools that can help you get organized are:

Email Service Providers like (to name a few):

Social Media Marketing Platforms such as:

But it can be made easier with a few tips and tricks. For example, you can use email service providers to schedule emails for your customers or use social media platforms to grow your business.

EV Advisory helping you develop a web presence

EV Advisory works with your team to develop a web strategy designed to help you build trust with your audience. We help your team get started by identifying the goals of each part of your website such as driving traffic, reaching a targeted audience, or generating leads. We can help you find the best way for your website to succeed.
Connect with us today about how we can help your business.